Lightweight Cable Braid, Harness Assemblies
Lightweight Cable Braid is available for military, space, commercial and all weight sensitive aerospace applications. Lightweight Braid easily meets complex cable bundle requirements and EMI / RFI Attenuation. Our Lightweight Cable Braid help programs achieve their weight and performance requirements.

Lightweight Cable Harness Solutions
Design & Construction
- Lightweight Cable Shield, patent #5414211
- Electromagnetic interference (EMI) shield for individual conductors or cable bundle braid
- Unique patented material and weave pattern yields EMI performance of copper
- Single layer of aluminum matches single layer of copper at high frequencies – with 2/3 weight savings of shield material
- Double layer aluminum braid matches copper layer at lowest frequencies with 1/3 weight savings
- Durable for aggressive flight environments
- Over 15 years use on U-2 as well as in P3 Orion, Global Hawk and other aircraft
- In-flight use shows very high reliability, minimum maintenance
- No chaffing issues
- Custom Design & Built To Print Capability
- Easy in-field maintenance
- “Cone” braid termination retains backshell continuity while allowing easy on-pin maintenance
- Treated aluminum chromate braid
- Superior material compatibility, excellent corrosion performance
- Superior material compatibility, excellent corrosion performance
- A key aspect of performance assessment was aluminum vs. copper material performance relative to three dominant issues in the suitability of aluminum cable shields:
- Material compatibility in harsh operating environments
- Salt fog testing (Early 1990s)
- Electrical shielding performance
- Transfer impedance measurements (Early 1990s and Dec. 2005)
- Material compatibility in harsh operating environments
- To address each issue representative aluminum, weight reduction EMI and copper samples were prepared and subjected to identical testing

Weight Savings– Example
- 250 ft. long, 2 in. diameter braided cable assembly
- Contains seven 5/8” braided sub-assemblies
- Copper = 0.31 lbs/in3 Aluminum = 0.091 lbs/in3
Total weights for full cable harness assemblies:
- Aluminum = 98.42 lbs
- Copper = 335.26 lbs
Cable assemblies are made to meet customer applications.
- Complete wire harnesses
- Conductors, braid, connectors/backshells, coatings, and jacketing
- Sub-assemblies
- Conductors and patented braided shielding with coned ends
- Conductors include copper wire, fiber optic, and other types of wire
- Unique ballooned braid ends to facilitate assembly and reduces manufacturing time.
- Cone braid termination retains backshell continuity while allowing easy on-pin maintenance
- Repair to the lightweight braided cables takes only minutes to repair without sacrificing the EMI integrity
Braid is applied on a braiding machine
- Consistent weave and coverage
- Reduced diameter
- Better EMI shielding at branches