Suppliers discuss reliability in terms of their products, but the reality is that quality must be looked at in terms of what it means to mission success and the safety of our warfighters.

HEMP protection filters have a multitude of applications, including mobile shelters used within the battlefield for command, communication, UAV control and many other critical tasks. When viewed from this perspective, quality and reliability take on a much greater importance. Technical Sales Solutions and MPE recognize the importance of supplying tools that in all conditions are going to protect the systems that provide the critical information that our warfighters rely on being there, the moment that they need it.

The MPE HEMP filters have been designed first to meet the pulse performance requirements of MIL-STD-188-125. Before releasing HEMP filters to the market some 7 years ago, MPE went through a very thorough and comprehensive design and test program with over 50 design iterations being evaluated before MPE settled on the optimum design . All MPE HEMP filters have been independently tested and certified to the MIL-STD-188-125 by Jaxon Engineering and Maintenance (JEM) of Colorado Springs, SARA and L-3 Jaycor.

This design and development approach has resulted in a range of filters that are significantly lighter and smaller than other HEMP filters available while having the highest levels of reliability. MPE have now manufactured and supplied in excess of 5,000 lines of HEMP protection, ranging through to 1200A solutions, with units having now been in service for over 5 years. The MPE filters have an MTBF greater than ¼ million hours and of the 5,000 lines of HEMP protection supplied, MPE has received zero failures. MPE EMP filters of a similar design and construction have run in the field for over 30 years with a failure rate below 0.001%. This includes infant mortality and legacy products.